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11 June 2024

Celebrating Indigenous Brilliance: Then and Now

Two of the Australian Alliance for Indigenous Genomics (ALIGN’s) incredible Aboriginal women were accepted to present at the AIATSIS Summit in Melbourne on Friday 7th June.

Ms Belle Hart from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI) and the ALIGN Victorian Node Coordinator commenced  the morning’s session with a presentation entitled “Introduction to Indigenous genomics – Our mob’s story”, and outlined not only the potential benefits and impacts of an Indigenous-led genetic and genomics research and health services model, but spoke to the ALIGN vision and mission for achieving these important outcomes at both a national and jurisdictional level.

Ms Sara Alden who is funded through the Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance (MGHA) and an employee at the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO), described the urgent need for equity and access within our existing genetic and genomic health services, and the project she is leading through her presentation “Genomic Sovereignty: Bridging traditional wisdom and modern health innovations.” Sara’s passion for identifying and addressing the existing barriers for accessing genetic health services will be informed and developed though her consultations with Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation staff and Community members.

Supported by Ms Olivia Payne (VACCHO) and Louise Lyons (ALIGN), the team fielded well considered questions from the audience and received significant positive feedback for the work they are doing. We thank everyone who attended the talks and invite all further enquires to be sent to:

Belle Hart at:

Sara Alden at:

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