Dr Annalee Stearne
Annalee Stearne (BA, Grad Dip, PGrad Dip, PhD)
Operations Manager
Annalee Stearne, a Wardandi-Nyoongar woman living on Whadjuk Nyoongar country (Perth, Western Australia). Annalee has a background in education and public health research focusing on Aboriginal-led alcohol and other drug interventions and related policy issues. She has also worked and lived in the Northern Territory and Western Australia. She has extensive experience in both the tertiary research sector as a researcher, as well as with Aboriginal community-controlled organisations. In August 2022, she completed her doctoral studies examining how First Nation Australians’ right to self-determination can be exercised in alcohol policy development. She serves on the Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee, as well as several advisory committees and boards. Annalee has a passion for ensuring Indigenous Australian leadership in the efforts towards improving their health and wellbeing.